Letter from the Chairperson for Furcationland 2023

Thursday, 13 April 2023


It is my pleasure to welcome you to Furcationland 2023: Spring Into Maine!

It was four years and one pandemic ago when I first got involved in this thing. What a long, sweet trip it’s been!

As chairperson of this convention, I am deeply honored and privileged to serve you. I have always tried to give back to this wonderful community that I consider my family. Our community is one that is built on a foundation of inclusivity, creativity, and respect. It is a place where we can come together and express ourselves in a way that is truly our own.

To my fellow directors, department heads, staff, and volunteers: you are the heart and soul of this convention, and I cannot thank you enough for all that you do. Your hard work and dedication make this event possible, and I am in awe of your passion and commitment.

As we come together, let’s celebrate our unique community and all that it represents. Let’s have some fun and make unforgettable memories together!
